The Body and Blood of Christ, our sacramental food and drink… this is the nourishment that fuels our souls, this is what gives us the spiritual energy we need to pray, to love, and to serve as Christ taught us.
We celebrate today the most basic truth of our Catholic faith, the mystery of three persons in one God. There are many ways to describe the mystery of the Trinity: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
E pluribus unum… out of the many, there is one. This is such a great motto for our country. On Pentecost Sunday, we celebrate this sacred formula here at Ave Maria Parish and the wider Church.
Our times of transition, those “in between” times in life, are often very trying, very stressful times, filled with worries. Such is the case with the disciples as Jesus approached the end of his Easter appearances and prepared for his departure from their sight, his ascension to glory.
When we receive a gift -- any gift regardless of its size or value – it is a sure sign to us that we are loved, appreciated, and supported in our lives. During this Easter season, we are celebrating the divine gifts of Christ’s resurrection and our baptism into Christ’s Body, the Church.